MALLORCA DERBY – and second prize flight a success…

mallorca 2018

08:40 666 Derby pigeons started for the second flight price. This time from 109 km. 09:57 The first pigeon arrived at the impact plant in Inca Senselles. This time we must congratulate the following growers:

Space saving Erringer dove

  1. 115,00 € * Heinz Hilleke DV04391-18-1819
  2. 115,00 € * M + R Orchards DV00784-18-0036
  3. 115,00 € * Roman Jud CH-18-17561
  4. 115,00 € * Elmar u. Marlies Müller DV06411-18-0588
  5. 115,00 € * Th. Vermeulen &Klzn NL-18-1506669


In about 15 minutes as well 440 pigeons were registered. By evening, 603 were returned. Bernardo plans to launch the third prize flight Sunday or Monday. Once the flight day is fixed, we will inform.

Here you will find the complete list Arrival…(click)



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