Comp. Derycke-Schiemann – 3 x 1 Provincial with the youngsters…

A good community

The pigeons are all housed in the family Schieman. Here, Father Adrie and his son Kees care of the pigeons. They follow their friend and veterinarian Patrick Derycke the plan exactly. Patrick is the one who provides the pigeons, because in his loft sitting breeding pigeons.


Everything is done right on time and of course it's much more fun to work when all join in properly. You do not have to take care of all aspects of the sport and remain those who feed the pigeons, once "quiet moments".

the deaf as I said played by the Schieman family, test them and select them as well. On the other hand, Patrick Derycke, who takes over the breeding and owning the extensive Vandenabeele Collection.

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