Disinfection: – necessary or overrated?


One often hears of disinfection with probiotics, what is it?

The surface wetting with probiotic bacteria is good and useful. These bacteria operate every half hour cell division, for this you need a lot of moisture and removing him from their environment. Pathogens, so the "bad" if you will, need just that moisture that steals them the probiotic for their existence. In this way, they lose their foundation and be contained or destroyed. The now resulting Milieau of "good" bacteria protect the land before reinfestation. Nevertheless, a disinfection unfortunately not replace it.

improve with probiotics in animal stroke hygiene?

We recommend a mix of all three principles of shock hygiene: Disinfection is essential Purapax T, for example, kills enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, yeasts, fungi, etc. in 2 hours, and is biodegradable. At the same time the continuing reduction of microbial attack as an additive for disinfection may be useful means of our impact Control. PicoBac turn supplies pigeons from the inside with an immense increase in health, which is known in the gut. Tip: Combine PicoBac with PicoCarbon.

The disinfection of punches is an evil that knows any breeder, but it is a necessary?

Unfortunately yes! Quite definitely should blow his system once a year, we recommend even twice, namely once before and after the trip, disinfected once. Of course, how any one kills Milieau so, whether conducive or Faulty germs, but it is disinfected useful to the will of the loss that damaged its impact germs system thoroughly.

Probiotics instead of disinfection, does that make sense?

Prophylactic blow hygiene, is that even possible? We say yes! By the addition of probiotic bacteria into the trough, probiotics bring about a change in the intestinal flora. This is freed from pathogenic germs and infection or disorder of the digestive thing of the past. These important factors thus determine not only well-being of the carrier pigeon, but rather about their deployable motivation. And what about the quality? Due to the significantly drier faecal consistency ammonia load is reduced and the impact conveyed hygiene.

Our conclusion: The mix makes it!

by Otto Klaus - Klaus Gritsteinwerke


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