Eddy Janssen from Zandhoven near Antwerp, here lives by the way Dirk van Dyck, had before approx. decided two years ago at the age of 52 years to return to the professional life back and to operate the pigeon sport as a day's work. Through out the progress made in 2017, and in 2018 a further step on the ladder of success should now be climbed. His colleague, Andre Roodhooft once-actuated the statement that, Eddy should have more time for his pigeons, he was a great opponent will represent in each case. This has proved true in every case!

Janssen eddy 2018

Through his friendship with the nearby sports fans, this could be described as four-leaf clover, pigeons are always replaced in order to test it thoroughly and it is operated at any time experiences. This without ulterior motives, or competitiveness, but only to benefit of everyone.

This clover is no doubt from Eddy Janssens, Drik van Dyck (Mister "Kaanibaal"), Danny van Dyck (King of the Union Antwerp 2017) and Rik Hermann (1e, among others 2 x NATIONAL 2016), the direct neighbor of Danny of also co-editor the trade magazine "DE Duif".

So now breeding jewels have such as "Anna", a subsidiary of "Kaanibaal" Dirk van Dyck, "Di Caprio" Leo Heremans about Dirk van Dyck, the "canon", the ancestral bird with Danny van Dyck and the line of " propere "from Rik Hermans at Allen proved to be true sire. The line of "AD" and "LEEUW" Marcel Wouters have expressed all their mark. Of course, one is constantly on the lookout for even better!

Jensen eddy 2018 anna


Vanrobaeys products are at the forefront

Die Fütterung hier in der Hallebaan in Zandhoven weicht eigentlich nur in der Weise von der allgemein üblichen ab, dass die Tauben nicht wie üblich Fette in Form von z.B. geschälten Sonnenblumen o.ä., sondern luftgetrockneten französischen Cribbs Mais erhalten. Eddy ist der Meinung, dass hierdurch Kraftreserven zugeführt werden. Eine weitere Besonderheit stellt weiterhin die Tatsache dar, dass hier täglich frische Mineralien in Form von Grit und Rotstein im Übermaß bereitstellt werden. Betritt man den Schlag so kann es vorkommen, dass man auf einem „Teppich“ aus Grit und Rotstein läuft, der bei der nächsten Reinigung entfernt wird. Eddy: „Meine Tauben fressen fast so viel Grit und Rotstein wie Taubenfutter. Ich brauch ca. 1 to.!! Grit, Rotstein und Taubenkuchen im Jahr!“

Auch hier wird nichts dem Zufall überlassen und der Tierarzt des Vertrauens wird regelmäßig, so alle 14 Tage bis 3 Wochen besucht und es wird nur eingegriffen, wenn auch etwas festgestellt wird. Standard ist allerdings, dass alle Tauben nach der Reisesaison eine 14-tägige Kur gegen Salmonellen erhalten. Die Produkte werden dann jährlich geändert, um Resistenzen zu vermeiden.

The use of additional by-products is quite manageable here. Mineral powder, powder condition, brewer's yeast and garlic oil, is it all to lead the deaf to such successes. If we look for secrets, it is absolutely essential to that particular attention is paid to a working stroke conditioning mention. Thus, a blow which was rebuilt before "the eye", dismantled after a period of less good results, with the help of good friends and the successes came again! The demolition took place at that in the pouring rain.


Eddy's mottoes:

  • Much growing - in 2018 it was so around 150 youngsters
  • Much play - every year there are about 25 flights from 100 - 600 km
  • Select a lot - so keep coming only approx. 20-30 youngsters on the trip strokes

Only this one finds the good dove and the sires!

Results in 2018:

5.5.2018 – Ecouen – 293 km

Union Antwerp - 4372 Old

24e, 27e, 60e, 74e yourself: 32/23

Union Antwerp - 2555 Yearlings

14e, 16e, 44e, 56e yourself: 22/15


05/12/2018 - Melun - 320 km

Union Antwerp - 4812 Old

41e, 55e, 64e, 74e yourself: 34/29

Union Antwerp - 2,971 Yearlings

23e, 32e, 43e, 60e yourself: 24/21


19.5.2018 – Chevrainvillers – 364 km

Union Antwerp - 3466 Old

11e, 32e, 67e, 82e yourself: 22/20

Union Antwerp - 2231 Yearlings

8e, 21e, 46e, 57e yourself: 16/15


05/19/2018 - Vierzon - 485 km

Interprovenzial - 9260 Old

65e itself: 3/2

Fond 2001 St. Job – 643 Old

1e, 38e itself: 3/2

Fond 2001 St. Job – 138 Jaarse

3e, 6e, 9e, 11e, 28e, 30e itself: 6/6


26.5.2018 – Chevrainvillers – 364 km

Union Antwerp - 2,046 pigeons

21e, 78e, 88e yourself: 11.05


2.6.2018 – Chavrainvillers – 364 km

Union Antwerp - 1727 Old

6e, 98e yourself: 10.06

Union Antwerp - 1156 Yearlings

4e, 65e itself: 6/5


05/26/2018 - Bourges - 488 km

Provinzial Antwerp - 3201 Yearlings

50e, 63e, 130e, even: 29.9

Fond 2001 St. Job - 334 Old

69e itself: 3/1


9.6.52018 - Chateauroux - 536 km

National Zone B 1 – 8.8486 Jaarse

61e, 93e, 644e yourself: 12.05

Provenzial Antwerp - 4222 Yearlings

65e, 96e, 474e yourself: 12.06

Fond 2001 St. Job – 516 Jaarse

4e, 12e, 52e yourself: 06.12


16.6.2018 – Ecouen – 293 km

Union Antwerp - 1,828 Yearlings

13e, 85e, 103e yourself: 06.10

Union Antwerp - 2593 Old

19e, 57e, 131e yourself: 08.15


06/23/2018 - Melun - 320 km

Union Antwerp - 1782 Old

3e, 14e, 35e, 36e yourself: 14/10

Union Antwerp - 1200 Yearlings

2e, 11e, 25e, 56e itself: 6/5

Union Antwerp - 1341 Young

18e, 19e, 20e, 40e yourself: 34/22


06/30/2018 - Melun - 320 km

Union Antwerp - 1060 Yonge

2e, 3e, 4e, 35e, 52e, even: 47/34


07/07/2018 - Melun - 320 km

Union Antwerp - 1225 Old

1e, 48e, 50e itself: 5/4

Union Antwerp - 1561 Young

8e, 19e, 53e itself: 8/7

Union Antwerp West Zone - 536 Yearlings

17e, 18e, 79e itself: 4/3




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