MALLORCA DERBY 2018 – the last pigeon group has arrived on the Cote…

mallorca 2018

In the past week, the last of three transports to Mallorca now took place. This time the pigeons from Arie Heezen (Dutch coordinator of Mallorca Derby) were handed over to Animals to Fly. Then the pigeons went by direct flights to Majorca.

Mallorca bernardo

Bernardo took them there safely in reception. The third transport the deliveries have been completed. Bernardo will now assign all pigeons and set it on the website. Then the exact number of participants will be known, as well as the delivery of the Spanish pigeon remains to be seen. Unfortunately, all registered pigeons were not delivered. Nevertheless, we will achieve a record for participation. More than 800 pigeons, it has never been in Mallorca Derby. For that already our heartfelt thanks to all participants.

mallorca deaf

we will as usual continue to report on everything worth knowing about the Derby flight.

The first and second group of pigeons adapted itself very quickly to their new dovecote.

Here you can see a video of this pigeon at bat.


Team Mallorca Derby

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