Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon April 2018…

deaf marketable title april 2018

Dear readers and readers,
The cover of this issue shows once again a
Dove. For we are closingLich a pigeon magazine. But it is a very special pigeon. From their current owners, Thomas Gyselbrecht from Beltechnologies, Pipa CEO is they called "best coat." Of the Bird was in 2017 the first Nationale Ace Pigeon Short Distance KBDB. That means in plain text, quickly was not a dove in this discipline. I have therefore started at this point with her, because the contribution on the following page the thoughtful saying includes: "Records are there to be broken!"

Had such records possible in Germany? I do not think so. Please refer to the contribution of our colleague Steffen Röhl with an analysis: A regional association equal to a travel direction - practical or a hindrance?

In this issue, we can again contribute from the series Hellas - offer Travelogues from Greece by Holger Fritz. If you read through this report alone, you come to the realization that almost everything is feasible. And Hindering is being cleared.

Both contributions raised give me once again an opportunity briefly to the internationality of Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon to refer. So we started with Belgium. Then follows Greece. It continues with the so-called Austria page. , Our local staff Clemens Ivanschitz reports about the first National champion with young birds in 2017 from Austria. The Netherlands must not be missed. André Petan bewas looking for us, "Kaiser large long distance" 2017. If the title is not so, what should it be otherwise?

Of course, our Germans are coming Sportfreunde also extensively to speak and whothe illustrated vividly by our staff. This includes the so-called program player and very wellte and successful participants in the international large long distance. One of our Weitstreckenexperth, André Petan has led to two well-known members of this guild a recent interview.

not particularly like that the term program players. That's why I use them only to distinguish it from long distance friends. So, in this issue we offer four more detailed reports About extraordinarily successful sports enthusiasts who participate in the normal German Travel program. What I it is always impressed by the fact that sports fans gain in older age top positions in Regional Association and Travel Association and can keep for years in part.

The pigeons health course we have not forgotten in this issue. A "deaf pharmacist" and a "pigeon vet" give you good advice.

On March 1, we had officially early spring. At least in meteorological terms. The calendrical followed on March 20, so weeks now three. Nature is not interested in such data, of course. As spring comes up when he comes. And in the last few weeks he was - albeit only briefly - already much to see, feel, smell and hear. So it seems as overnight suddenly a to be an hour longer bright. If you get up early, it dawns already. And in the morning you can hear chirping birds first. U.NAlthough pigeons sere not singing, but since they have free flight again after the long winter break, sometimes you think they would wait restlessly on the new racing season. Just like their owners. Although we still have a little patience for. But we hope for the private training of farmers and the Vortouren the tour operator that the spring at its best shows.

In this sense, freedom in pigeon racing!

brühl hans 2016




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