Racing Season 2018: Four questions to the breeder of the Röhnfried racing teams and their answers…

röhnfried racing team 2018

We all look very curious toward departure. To provide reason enough for us some members of Röhnfried Racing Team four short questions about the status of their travel arrangements with the request, as well as short answers.

The responses of the breeders can be found here!


Are your pigeons currently mated and from when the pigeons get free flight?

Daniel Becker: Our racers are currently mated and by flipping the eggs from the breeding loft and the breeding is almost finished. It is now almost the last round. The last racing pigeons have laid on 26-02.28.2018. A free flight is not possible for us due to the bird of prey problems. All recent attempts to let the pigeons out early have failed. The free flight begins only in the last March- or the first week of April. I like to wait until the first swallow (usually Swallows) are back. That's always a good sign of nature. Then the intensive free flight of doves begins.

Denis Faber: We have our racers at 17:02. mated. The first couple, despite the freezing cold at 24.02. laid the first egg, this, however, have set aside and brought into the house, so it does not freeze. I can only say I hope we were always fast enough to stop '. Free flight receive our racing pigeons when all have laid Couples (almost all).

Oliver Fuchs: We do play as a team in the SG Fuchs & Wolf. The pigeons on the beat Wolf were at 2.17. mated and bring up two young. Conversely Pickled eggs of breeding pigeons. The pigeons on the beat of Fox were mated a week later and be überbrüten their eggs on plaster eggs. The first free flight is early / mid March planned once all couples sitting on eggs.

Stephan Grotzsch: I mated the pigeons with us in the SG Krouss-Grotzsch early February and again separated after 10 days of brooding. After that I couple my pigeons again in early April, and then separating after 5 days on eggs. Our pigeons have been stuck since August and from 5.3. let out again.

Markus Bells: My widowers were at 2.2. paired and pull on their young. That is, at Easter is sure everything will be ready for widowhood. The first training flight, I have been at 6.2. started. As my pigeons have all winter free flight that is no problem. I start with 3 kilometers. The temperatures do not matter but the weather has to play along.

Klaus Stein Brink: My pigeons get all year free flight, except in unusually harsh weather conditions. And we mate early December (winter breeding), so they are separated in late January and April 1, the widowers are re-bred and then have 15 days together.

Simon Ullrich: Our pigeons are bred since the second week of February. enjoy free flight for the past two weeks. However, unfortunately only under strict observation and very limited. The hawk makes life very difficult.


What happens when you travel on the impact over the next four weeks?

Daniel Becker: Which are already our veterinarian Dr. Kny been studied. Vaccination against Salmonella is already done. Now is not vaccinated against paramyxovirosis. Otherwise, nothing much happens until early April. the upper airways may be used for the short but otherwise were all results - as always - very good.

Denis Faber: Our racers are now in March, a 10-day treatment with the products Breathing free, Witches beer and Avimycin erhalten. Wir erhoffen uns, dass sie damit – wie auch in den vergangenen Jahren – schnell in Form kommen. Außerdem wird Dr. Warzecha aufgesucht, um einen Check der Reisetauben durchzuführen und dann wird – je nach Befund – behandelt oder auch nicht. Außerdem steht noch die große Generalreinigung der Reiseschläge an. Dafür zerlegen wir die Schläge in ihre Einzelteile und waschen alles gründlich aus. Darüber hinaus wird ausgesaugt und ausgeflammt.

Oliver Fuchs: The most important thing in March is that the pigeons are now accustomed slowly about flying for us and come out daily. The tests at the vet were no findings so on eggs is only one cure for trichomoniasis. In addition, this year we will each pigeon after the long hard seats with Rozitol treat and a 10-14-day treatment with Witches beer, Avimycin and Entrobac carry out.

Stephan Grotzsch: The month of March will be used for training and I will be a cure for trichomoniasis. After that there is a week of witches beer and the food Breathing free and Avimycin. Rozitol I have already given all the pigeons in the nose.

Markus Bells: I assume that at Easter everything will be ready for widowhood. Until then, I do not change anything.

Klaus Stein Brink: Nothing, the pigeons remain separate until 01.04.2018 and have an hour of free flight in the day.

Simon Ullrich: In March, the focus is on the rearing of young pigeons. The widower should be quite natural family life focus on their 'and build slowly form. The first trip boys (from the breeding pigeons) should get used to the free flight and the gripping escape (learn).


When you start with the training of pigeons and how often do you train the pigeons?

Daniel Becker: The training begins with the free flight in early April and after a few days is already being trained at close range. Then, on one of the weekend's upcoming very intense when the weather permits. In total, about 10 to 15 times before the trip.

Denis Faber: Mit dem Privattraining beginnen wir, sobald die Flugfreude am Haus groß genug ist. Das bedeutet die Tauben sollten freiwillig wegziehen und eine gewisse Grundkondition aufgebaut haben. Wenn ein tägliches Rauslassen durch die Greifvögel nicht gewährleistet werden kann, trainieren wir die Tauben auf kurzen Strecken von 1-10 km, um sie so an das Fliegen zu bringen. Wir trainieren so oft uns die Zeit dafür zur Verfügung steht. In der Regel 10 bis 14 mal auf bis zu 50 Kilometer.

Oliver Fuchs: A first time out we let our pigeons early March and about 14 days, they can do as they wish. After that, the workload is increased slowly. then we try at least 5 times to train privately and for involvement in all RV Vorflügen and possibly neighborly RV Vorflügen.

Stephan Grotzsch: My pigeons I let out only at the house. If this then fly well, my pigeons come in late March or early April in the Kabi to Vorflügen.

Markus Bells: As already mentioned, I've taken the first training flight already on 6 February.

Klaus Stein Brink: On April 1, I start exercising. Overall, I train the pigeons about 10 times before the start of tourist season.

Simon Ullrich: The training of the widower begins in early April. Before the first price flight early May we bring the team 10 to 15 times even for training. Depending on the weather and course of the curve shape of doves.


Did you do anything in the extreme cold differently or additionally?

Daniel Becker: The pigeons are well catered for and get no extras in the cold. However, this has to be said that our pigeons a very good breeding feed with 12% hemp and regularly RO2000 to get. The pigeons are thus great care and in a mega Constitution currently. We are there currently very satisfied.

Denis Faber: In this extreme cold we paid attention to a lot and sufficient food. We feed tons of hemp and breeding pigeons get during rearing many peanuts.

Oliver Fuchs: In the cold we do anything different.

Stephan Grotzsch: In the cold, I'm not doing anything different because pigeons tolerated very well this cold.

Markus Bells: We had in one week in February minus 17 degrees. Since it is important to feed the pigeons right. So to ensure enough power. Especially with the pigeons have the boy. The water must always be replaced.

Klaus Stein Brink: The pigeons get in extreme cold 1 x daily fed fodder. Otherwise, I'm not doing anything different than usual. The byproducts remain as always.

Simon Ullrich: With such cold as we had in February: 2 x daily water heating panels in shock at a bit more food and felt inserts in the nests.

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