Breeding and breeding preparation – by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

Regardless of Anpaarungstermin breeding animals at the time of mating in a comparably good form must be such as pigeons at the beginning of the trip. The shape of the parents has a great importance for the quality of the offspring. Only from breeders in prime condition dragging quality offspring.

Approximately 4-5 weeks prior to mating animals should therefore be accurate least checked for their health. The animals show signs of disease can still be treated as such an early stage. In most cases, a 7-day course of treatment with ParaStop recommends.
Are the pigeons during the moult just something become too fat, we recommend a 10-day course of treatment with vegetable fresh garlic / onion / carrot / beetroot mix. Put this with Probac 1000 and bind off with some Green Healing Earth or Phyto. Simply enter Blutreinigungstee. So the pigeons will go top fit into the breed.

The diet change from winter to breed mix should start early and be performed smoothly over 6-7 days, never abrupt. With the conversion to breed mix and the nutritional supplement plan is converted to the breed. During the first 12 days of the breeding period, the addition of dietary supplements can be made reduced.


The hatching of the egg youngster has a very weak or no distinct immune. All they needed to protect against external influences, she gets the goiter mucus from their parents. Until the immune system of Squab fully developed, it takes several months. Therefore, breeders should be done from the 12th day of incubation regularly after Probac-supply system for breeding. The concerted essential nutrients and the immune system is so important, beneficial bacteria as possible, a natural, robust growth.

When settling the pups once their plumage quality!

lining recommendation

Set during the entire rearing period the breeders of pure hemp in a feed silo or Zellennapf addition to leisure.

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