In September 2017- Dr. Peter Boskamp ...



In this time of year we get asked the question regularly on how to best support the pigeons during the moulting season. Traditionally, we have a firm Mauser scheme. This consists of our basic system, which is supplemented with products for Mauser support. The molting period is a very important time, although some enthusiasts tend during this time to fall back on its course. But now the basis for the success of next year is set.


Try to give it at this time, as little medication as possible. There are various means which can damage the feathers, which of course is to be avoided.


Our own pigeons get (next to the Bony base system), the Bony Bio complete, the Bony base-T and the Bony Mauser vitamins. In addition, the Bony M minerals. Bony the Bonichol is administered on a regular basis as well, but this is not simultaneously with the vitamin Bony Mauser also rich in biotin. Basically, this is quite sufficient to get the pigeons well moulting. This does not mean that can not be used other products. But what is not necessary is not necessary to give.


It is important that we support the liver where we can and stimulate the secretion by the liver and kidneys. We have developed the Bony base-T several years ago.


The administration of the Bony B.M.T. (A product of the Bony base system) provides sufficient fiber and amino acids to make the spring exchange good. Particularly sulfur-containing amino acids are important during moulting and should be adequately provided during this period. Good bowel activity is also important and is located at the base of the natural health and Bony B.M.T. Bony and Bio Complete well supported.


The Bony Bonichol contains choline, methionine and lysine, which are required for optimal liver function during the molting period. This shows that we can support very well with the above approach, the Mauser already.


This year we have until the end of October above products (Bony Bonichol 500 ml, Bony Mauservitamine 150 gr, Bony Bio Complete 250 ml , Bony Basis-T 1000 ml) Together as Bony Basis Mauserpaket at a discount to; regular price 62,25 EUR now for only 52,95 Euro.


If you are interested in the Bony base system so they are available online all information and should they be interested in a purchase order so we have for them three different packet sizes, all with interesting discounts.


Good luck!


Her Peter Boskamp


find them on a complete overview of Bony Farma Products

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