Frank Hagedorn & René Becker - one of the most successful strikes in Germany

Olympiad pigeon 2017 "OLYMPIC ROMY"

becker both before beating 2017

The impact community founded Frank Hagedorn and Rene Becker in 1998 and since then are top successes in series become the norm. is traveled in the RV Luedinghausen which is connected to the regional association 409, "Münsterland". The travel direction is south-east.

Frank Hagedorn, von Beruf Metallbauer, begann bereits als elfjähriger Schüler mit dem Brieftaubensport. René Becker, ebenfalls von Kindesbeinen von Brieftauben fasziniert, betreibt in Nordkirchen eine Kleintierpraxis und ist weit über die Grenzen hinaus einer der Top-Tierärzte zu allen Fragen der „Versorgung und Gesunderhaltung“ im Brieftaubensport. Nicht nur in seiner eigenen Tierarztpraxis sondern auch auf zahlreichen Gesundheitsforen steht er regelmässig qualifiziert Rede und Antwort. Auch in der Zeitschrift „TaubenMarkt“ gibt er in monatlichen Kolumnen sein Wissen weiter.

All pigeons are housed in Frank Hagedorn in Lüdinghausen. Since it is understood that he also supplies the pigeons and playing. For monitoring the health René Becker is of course responsible. He also looks after the breeding stock.

Breeders in a class

Spricht man mit beiden Sportfreunden so spürt man die Begeisterung für den Brieftaubensport und insbesondere für die Tauben, welche in der Lage sind, auf allen Entfernungen in grossen Konkurrenzen Spitzenpreise zu erzielen. Hier ist man immer auf der Suche nach der vermeintlich noch besseren Taube und auch der optimalen Versorgung. Waren es zu Beginn der Schlaggemeinschaft Tauben von Wolfgang Röper und insbesondere der Herbots-Vogel B- 00/692 (Sohn „Boeckx“: 6x 1. Preis und 4. nat. As-Taube Kurzstrecke 1996), die den Bestand positiv prägten so sind es seit 2002 die Tauben von Leo Heremans, welche die Schlaggemeinschaft zu einer der besten in Deutschland werden liessen. Kinder aus „Olympiade03“, „Goudklompje“, „Euro“, „426“, „166“, „Blauw Kampioentje“ sowie „Wonderaske“, um nur einige wenige zu nennen, sorgten dafür, dass züchterisch der Weg ganz nach oben führte. Die Heremans-Tauben haben heute ihren Siegeszug über die ganze Welt angetreten und in unzähligen AS-Tauben, Nationalsiegern und Olympiade-Tauben fließt das Blut aus Vorselaar.

To date, no fewer than 80 original Heremans-pigeons in the breeding stock of the SG Hagedorn-Becker. It is critical that there is still full of old base Heremans-pigeons sitting.

becker zuchtvoliereHere the breeding pigeons sitting with lots of fresh air


René Becker has sought in recent years intensively for reinforcements and it was a lot invested. "All were worse than the pigeons of Leo Heremans ", Was the conclusion of Rene Becker. An honest word! "Only the pigeons by Horst and Frank Sander, which we got to keep up with and were able to convince in combination with our Heremans-doves"Adds René. There were children from the “Wonder of Haacht” (Son Dirk small) and “Eurostar” (Van Koppen) that fit perfectly with the Heremans-pigeons. A Ausnahmevererberin Sander is the 02884-06-967 that brings very good pigeons for generations.

Currently, the son of the "Olympics 003," the B-03 to 562 are called "the wrong thing" and the B-03-336 "Little Blue", the golden breeding pillars of the stock.

becker B-03-6192562 upside

“the Upside” - a dove with a special history.

The wrong thing is a son of the world famous "Olympics 003". He represented Belgium at the 2002 Olympics in Levin and he was the second national AS-pigeon on the short-haul 2002. mother is the "Blauw Kampioentje" by Jan Diels. It is incidentally also the mother of the equally famous "January".

becker B-03-6192562 inverted pedigree
“the Upside ” has its particular history. During a visit at Leo Heremans in the summer of 2004 René took a blue bird with which a brother of top-flier “Peter ” should be. Already on the way home from Belgium called Leo to Rene and said he had taken the froward with. This pigeon is straight from "Olympiade03" x "Blauw Kampioentje". But the dove could then ultimately remain in Lüdinghausen. Since 2006 every year are bred with various females excellent racing pigeons from the "perverse". His children have the ability to breed excellent pigeons inherited.

becker B-03-6195336 small blue
“The Little Blue” – a train-AS in Ludinghausen

becker B-03-6195336 small blue pedigree

Not at all is it the B 03-5336 “small Blue” after. His hereditary power is enormous. He is still a son of the Heremans-based bird "B.98-799", who came from a brother of the "Kannibaal" Dirk van Dyck. The best offspring brought the "Little Blue" with the B-06-250, the “thick”Which is again a direct sister of the "perverse".

becker B-06-6405250 thick

"The thickness" - probably the best breeding females of the blow-Hagedorn Becker

becker B-06-6405250 pedigree


An impressive track record

The SG Hagedorn / Becker can point to an impressive track record. Several times a Regional Association 409, the first Regional Association Championships were won. There were asked the Regional Association won all the championships without exception in the RV AS-pigeons. A special highlight was the profit of the competition "GOUDEN DUIF Fund Germany 2015 "that the impact Community also presented the international limelight. Particular the enormous number of top prices, and first prize is remarkable. Precisely this is the outstanding feature of the Heremans-doves, and the SG-Hagedorn Becker knows how this ability to cultivate.

These features combine to date in an incomparable way in which females 06134-13-201 "OLYMPIC ROMY" - the first Olympiad pigeon short distance in 2017 in Brussels. "Olympic Romy" has, as far researched, the best coefficients of all German Olympiad pigeon in category A of all time!

becker-hagedorn olympic romy

"OLYMPIC ROMY" is a prime example of a successful further growth with the Heremans-pigeons. She is bred from a son "OLYMPICS 03" x "Goudklompje" and a daughter of Hagedorn-Becker top breeding couple "Little Blue" x "thickness"

shone already as a yearling “OLYMPIC ROMY” say with absolute top prices, bringing with 8 prices and write-AS 733.17 points and won a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 25th, 39th 44th, 67th and the 116th prize.
Also in Travel 2015 she continued her triumph. 10 prizes in 12 stakes and 809.06 AS-points stood at the end of the season to book. They won u. a. one 3.,5.,5.,8.,46.,42,.63… Price. In Travel 2016 she sat again accents and crowned its achievements with the title of best female in RegV 409 (7.7 Prices u. 649.71 AS-pts.) and of the 6. best female Westphalia (10 924.25 AS-point Pr..).
In the RV it reached in 2016 u. a. one 3.,4.,4.,6.,6.,17… Price.

becker-hagedorn olympic romy abst

Normally such AS belongs to the breeding loft. But fate would have it, this female can not lay eggs. It was also played in 2017 again. And again she flies 11 prices with 855 AS-points and of course a 1st prize against 3,142 pigeons in the aviation community.

becker b-04-6073831 father olympic romy


becker mutter olympic romy




The Top pigeons in Travel 2017

Even the trip in 2017 was overall another TOP travel year and was 4. the German Association championship in Regional Association crowned. Similarly, the impact Community the 3rd, 5th and 11th AS Bird of the Federation regional association.

Stars of the arena in 2017 were the two birds 06134-14-9 and 06134-14-61, both of 13 missions also flew 13 price.

becker 06134-14-61 2017

From son B562 x To. B336 times the 967th

The mother Olympic Romy is also made of B 336 x B250.

becker 06134-09-828 father 61

Father of 6134-14-61 – 2017 13 x 13 x set price

becker 06134-14-9 2017

From son B336 x B250 B562 times x 967th

The mother Olympic Romy is also made of B 336 x B250.

becker 06134-12-900 father 9

Father de 06134-14-9 – 2017 13 x 13 x set price


The veterinary practice by René Becker

Die leistungsorientierte Brieftaubenzucht verlangt heute mehr denn je eine optimierte Versorgung der Tiere. René Becker machte nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss seines tiermedizinischen Studiums und einem einjährigen Volontariat in der Taubenklinik in Essen sein Hobby zum Beruf und eröffnete seine eigene Tierarztpraxis. Mit der Eröffnung der Praxis am Standort Nordkirchen, gelang es Kunden und Patienten nicht nur dem Großraum Münster, Westfalen und dem Ruhrgebiet zu gewinnen, sondern inzwischen aus ganz Deutschland und dem benachbarten Ausland. Dazu beigetragen hat natürlich sein modernes Behandlung- und Untersuchungsspektrum, das für Kleintiere und besonders für Brieftauben konzipiert wurde.

In exchange with recognized veterinarians and nutritionists veterinarian René Becker in the same breath developed its own product line, called "Becker's specialties", The advantage for customers is obvious. All products are tested intensively on its own portfolio.

becker in practice

René Becker is now an internationally recognized pigeon veterinarian

The "secrets" of a veterinarian

Are there any secrets? This question arises naturally in a veterinarian. No that does not exist " responds René Becker. "There are certainly good and not usable supply systems and products. Before a product is offered in our practice, it must pass through the "quality control" in its own portfolio. So I have, for example, opted for the acquisition of PerNaturam products for my practice who are on our own impact because of their high effectiveness now an integral part of our own supply system.

are fed here in Lüdinghausen feed mixtures of BEYERS and Vanrobaeys, In this case, experience has shown that fat mixtures in high-performance sport pigeons of great advantage. And at this point still a small "secret" by René Becker concluded. Ask times when visiting in practice with René Becker for the products of Avifood, a supplementary feed with higher levels of fat, protein, vitamins and minerals.

pigeon market auction 2017_4

PS: At the auction on October 28, 2017 in Kassel are "EUROPEAN SUPER STARS 2017" 2/2 siblings of "OLYMPIC ROMY" and a daughter of the TOP sire “SPECIAL 900” in Auction Bid.

SG Hagedorn-Becker

Aspastrasse 41

59394 Nordkirchen

Tel: 0049-2596 529303




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