Currently: Professional youngsters play of Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

Who wants to play professionally and successfully with youngsters, should consider some important points.
The simplest method is:

  • Winter boy breed, these vaccinated immediately after weaning and from about obscure mid-March;
  • set up a straw corner for immunization or even cover the full impact soil with straw, corn cobs or bedding (this then but by the end of the journey no longer clean !!!).
  • set from early May no further pups more about the pigeons;
  • mid June end the blackout and begin 14 hours a day to be exposed.
    The youngsters at the transport baskets used and train weather permitting every 2 days private;
  • separate sexes about 2-3 weeks prior to departure; isolated at home
    train and play according to the "sliding door" method.
  • together blank after the training and competition flights youngsters 1-3 hours and then separated again.

Feed your youngsters hand for the morning "short" and evening full. Make sure that they receive all the grains, however, does not overeat.

Young pigeons in top shape eat enormously good (up to 45 g daily). The better you eat, the better the shape and usually also the training behavior.

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