In May 2017 - Dr. Peter Boskamp ...

In recent weeks, several lovers visited our clinic and said they wanted to follow the natural supply, but does not get along with the distributed at fairs catalogs. At first I thought this was a bit exaggerated, because I had the impression that there everything was well described. When I brought this to our clinic for language these difficulties, however, were confirmed by two new assistants.
I think it's time to look at our natural system from the point of disease prevention, health maintenance and performance enhancement, as described "get healthy pigeons' in my book.
In principle, the breeders know what they have to feed. Good food with consistent quality.

disease prevention

First, it is important to establish before the season if there are problems with the respiratory tract or other defects in the pigeons that can be remedied by medical intervention. At least 14 days before the start of the races are this needs to be corrected so that the pigeons have enough time to recover from the necessary medical treatment. Especially when the first flights it is important to keep the finger on the pulse, because the risk of infection and a possible disease outbreak during the basket stay is highest here. If an association has in a particular region as a whole moderate success vigilance.

health maintenance

Sobald eine Infektion überwunden wird, ist es wichtig darauf zu achten, dass die Risiken für eine schnelle Neuinfektion minimiert werden. Dies kann durch eine optimale Unterstützung der Abwehrkräfte der Tauben erreicht werden. In unserem Basissystem bildet das Bony SGR die Grundlage und seit diesem Jahr ergänzen wir den roten Faden mit Bony Bio. Die Erfahrung zeigt, dass die regelmäßige, abwechselnde Gabe beider Getränke ins Trinkwasser einen großen Beitrag zur guten Darmgesundheit bietet . Dies wiederum unterstützt die Gesamtabwehr , so dass die Tauben oft weniger anfällig für allgemeine Infektionen sind. Um dies weiter in vollem Umfang zu unterstützen empfehlen wir am Tag nach der Rückkehr die Gabe von Bony Usneanoplus ins Trinkwasser. Dies verhindert die Ausbreitung von Kokzidien und Trichomonaden.

Beim Übergang von der Gesunderhaltung zur Leistungsförderung sind es drei Produkte, die wir während der Woche empfehlen. Dies sind Omega Nucleovit , B.M.T. und Basiskern. In Kombination unterstützen diese Komponenten nicht nur die Abwehrkräfte, sondern tragen auch zur Steigerung des Leistungsniveaus zu Beginn der Wettflugsaison bei.
Wird den Tauben mehr abverlangt kommen Powerglutavit und Bony MRplus zum Einsatz. Ersteres wird mehr bei Kurzstrecken- und Mittelstreckenflügen genutzt, während Bony Mrplus optimal bei den Eintages- und Übernachtflügen zum Einsatz kommt. Der Übergang von einem zum anderen Produkt hängt von den Flugverläufen und vom Fingerspitzengefühl des Züchters ab. Beide Produkte werden über das Futter zusammen mit Flugöl verabreicht.

The services must be improved with said means. But many growers swear by the administration of 10 drops Bony mineral into drinking water directly in front of the flights. These trace elements ensure that the pigeons come home fitter and do not fall like a wet sack on the trip. It is many years in the area Bony one of the top products.
There are the medium-haul flights, it may be useful to give the pigeons an extra boost.
To this end, Bony Mineral and Bony Catplus can then be added together to the drinking water. The combination provides a boost during flights.
During the one-day -and long distance flights, we give them a few days Bony SGR. In the long distance races the last four days before insertion. On the last three days we give Bony Catplus and then on the last two days Bony mineral.

The flights of the big long distance we enter the last three days Bony MR in the diet along with Fly Oil 2.0.
The combination of these products provides a balanced power structure designed specifically for these flights. The pigeons go so well prepared in the baskets.
Pigeons that do not meet our requirements, will receive a special capsule in the day of use. Here it is important to determine whether the birds then are in good condition.
Pigeons that are suboptimal and do not respond to these natural capsules. From a donkey to do just not a racehorse.

But what about all the other products that are still in the catalog? I leave it to them. Catch them calmly and build the pigeons. That's good advice, which is unfortunately beaten by many breeders in the wind. This structure takes too much time to think a lot, and so they seek refuge in some of the remaining products. Products that have been developed for special situations, then if the normal system is not sufficient.

So kann es sein, dass Züchter welche von uns betreut werden, über mässige Trainigsleileistungen klagen. Für die Fälle sind Bony Endurance und Bony Trainingsmix entwickelt worden. Beide Produkte fördern die Fluglust und Ausdauer. Aber vernünftige Liebhaber können dies auch mit den oben genannten Produkten erreichen. Nicht immer gleich den „Turbolader” einschalten.
Bony Endurance and Bony Trainingsmix contain, among other octacosanol. This substance has the ability as scientific research has shown to increase endurance by about 10%, provided the start-up phase for optimum results is maintained. For this purpose, it is necessary to add this mixture to about 14 consecutive days during the training phase. After this time, a gift sufficient twice a week.

Normal vitamin supplements that can be given after recovering from an illness, are Bony Bony Farvisol or flight vitamin.

Come the pigeons from the flight back, you can help them with Booster Bonisol enriched with 10 drops A. A booster is a concentrate of directly absorbable amino acids that enable rapid recovery after the flight. For pigeons who have suffered, we have to be given several days Bony recovery capsules developed. However, these are administered by many breeders pigeons to support individually after the flights.

Now this is not the full range of Bony products. There are still going to mention other products such as the much used Bony Bronchicron. But I want to finish the list before the overview is lost again.

I hope we have succeeded in which to bring some clarity to this newsletter, which still do not know how to work with our products.


Good luck!

Boskamp at research1
Her Peter Boskamp


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We offer:

  • Control of your pigeons and veterinärmedizinische support
  • Parasitological examination (including Coccidiosis, worms, etc.)
  • Bacteriological examination (including salmonella, E. coli, etc.)
  • Viral investigation (including Paramixo, adeno etc.)
  • Goiter smear and Cloaca dash
  • Vaccinations (u.a paratyphoid, smallpox, Paramixo)
  • Mushroom study
  • Blood tests
  • Fertility treatment
  • Operations
  • Autopsien
  • Intake and observation
  • Faecal samples investigation; samples can also be sent to

If you want to consult our clinic for examinations, we recommend prior appointment. Then we can take plenty of time for a perfect accompaniment and respond best to the problems.

For veterinary assistance in the pigeon sport

Office hours:

From Monday to Friday we have three daily office hours:

09:00 09:30
13:00 13:30
17:00 – 18:00

On Saturdays we have consultation by:

11:00 12:00 uh

Office hours vet P. Boskamp:

Only by appointment. To make an appointment, you must contact us.

Outside these hours, you can visit us always by appointment.
From March 1 to September 1 we have an additional consultation for vaccinations from 11: 30 to 12:00.

We are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week available for emergencies.

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